星期四, 10月 02, 2014


Landseed International Medical Group
壢新醫院尼泊爾義診 - 送愛到天堂

I received this book by mail today, this has got me very excited. Recently, I have been reading <轉山-邊境流浪者> by 謝旺霖 about the travel experiences of a college graduate who took a biking trip from the old town of Lijiang, Yunnan to Lhasa, Tibet. Although I haven't finished it yet, but reading his experiences has propelled me toward taking a trip like he had. Travel is the best teacher. A few of my classmates are now on trips around the world using the money they saved up during intern year. Going on international medical relief missions is also a fascinating experience, but it is not just the same. Going alone versus going with a large group of people is very different. There is no one to lean back on when going alone, one would have to rely on oneself to make the decisions, to find resources, to find help, etc. Usually people become more mature  after taking these trips. 

I don't have the opportunity to go on one of these trips now, but volunteering will help me learn some of the similar things. Nevertheless, I feel elated going on this trip to Nepal.  

For the people who are interested in medical relief missions, here is the information:



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