星期日, 11月 30, 2014

Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps 台灣路竹醫療和平會 #298次 高雄屏東義診

路竹會#298 高雄屏東義診

這次的高屏義診很特別. 除了是路程最遠之外,這次資深義工董大哥親自帶隊確保行程和大家的安全, 三天有不同的主治醫師看診,有三位很優秀的醫學生可以一起討論cases, 與facebook多年朋友但一直沒機會見面的中國醫實習醫師Betty見面, 有緣認識一位去過十幾個國家的福建背包客Earo,有位白雪公主的精神支柱Jane,有Amy姐請的辦桌(謝謝Amy姐), 有姝廷這位很利害有夢想的烘焙師,有機會跟二姐深入聊,坐車時認識去過20多國家義診的彰基NP學姐, 和認識許多其他好夥伴.

星期三, 10月 22, 2014

[Taipei 台北] Wine Tasting Event at Bellissimo Bistro 向日葵餐廳 Valdivieso Chilean Wines Mushroom Risotto Braise Osso Bucco

Six Varieties of Valdivieso Chilean Wine

Bellissimo Bistro 向日葵餐廳
Address: 台北市和平東路一段141巷7號之2
Phone: 02 2391 9722
Date: 2014/10/18
Price: 1600 NT (dinner included)
Valdivieso Wine Tasting Event

I haven't written a restaurant review for a while. Instead I have been busy getting familiar with the research at Harvard and planning the life in Boston. Moreover, this imminent medical relief mission to Nepal requires some preparations as well. Last week, I was contacted by Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps for an interview on the police radio station pertaining to my recent volunteering and future plans. The orientation for the Nepal trip was on the following Monday, so I planned the trip to get the most out of it. I messaged Kelly, a wine retailer and blogger of the famous Les Femmes Co. 微型輕熟女人類誌, for a meetup to learn about her trip to Spain, how she decided to become a wine retailer and start the blog, and her planned trip to Cambodia. Unfortunately, she was busy this weekend because her company was hosting a wine tasting event on Saturday. As a wine novice, I am eager to learn more about wine. So I asked her to sign me up.

星期四, 10月 02, 2014

星期二, 9月 16, 2014

Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps 臺灣路竹醫療和平會 斯里蘭卡和緬甸義診 Sri Lanka and Myanmar Medical Missions -- 心得報告 A Single Tread in the Tapestry

Shwedagon Pagoda 仰光大金塔

A Single Tread in the Tapestry
     What does it take to make a difference? An important reason why I chose to become a doctor is to help others, the ones who need others’ help. I see several homeless people on the streets, may it be at the underground crossroads, outside of the hospital or out on the streets. A good Samaritan or fellow citizen would give them some change or a bill to ease their miseries. Some even took the extra step and post on the internet for more people to notice. I gave them some spare change a couple of times. And I was delighted to find out that some are genuine. However, I also saw some who used the money to buy alcohol or cigarettes and some who faked their medical conditions. I was disappointed and went out to search for other ways to help the truly miserable people. 

星期二, 7月 22, 2014



星期一, 6月 02, 2014

LOGGED OUT! Internship 結束了! 端午節快樂!!

還有怕吵到別人而帶的牌子叮嚀要小聲一點 :P 
Best Wishes to All of You!