星期六, 3月 22, 2014

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Current Use and Evolving Applications

1. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is increasingly being used for severe forms of respiratory failure.
2. Indications of ECMO have expanded beyond acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) to include bridging therapy for pulmonary hypertensive crises, lung transplantations, and refractory hypoxemic/hypercarbic respiratory failure

Principles and Circuitry
                                                                                                        N Engl J Med 2011; 365:1905-1914

星期五, 3月 07, 2014

Daily Fluids and Nutrition

Fluid Management
1. Total body water (TBW): 60% of lean body weight in men, 50% in women
    A. 2/3 Intracellular fluid (ICF), 1/3 Extracellular fluid (ECF)
    B. TBW: 0.6 x W = X
    C. Intravascular compartment: 1/4 x ECF = Y
    D. Interstitial compartment: 3/4 x ECF = Z
2. Disturbances in TBW change serum osmalality and electrolyte concentrations. Majority of water contained in intracellular space, the loss of water alone does not typically result in hemodynamic changes.
3. Total body Na+: 85~90% of total body Na+ is extracellular, and constitutes predominate solute in ECF. Changes lead to contraction or expansion of ECF, manifests as volume depletion or expansion.
4. Maintenance fluids:
    A. Minimum water requirements for daily fluid balance = U/O + Stool water loss + insensible losses + drain losses
         a. Minimum urine output necessary = solute per day/(maximum amount of solute that can be excreted/L urine)
             1) ~600 - 800 mOsm/d / 1, 200 mOsm/L in healthy kidneys = > 0.5 L/d  
         b. Water loss in stool ~ 200 mL/d
         c. Insensible water losses:
             1) Skin + respiratory tract: ~400 - 500 mL/d
             2) Endogenous metabolism: ~250 - 350 mL/d
    B. Total: 1400 mL/d or 60 mL/hr        
    C. 75 - 175 mEq Na+/d (2 g Na+ diet gives 86 mEq Na+/d)
         a. 0.9%: 154 mEq/L
         b. 0.45% 77 mEq/L
    D. 20 - 60 mEq K+/d for normal renal function
    E. 100 - 150 g/d dextrose given to minimize protein catabolism and prevent starvation keotacidosis
          a. D5W 50 g dextrose/L

星期六, 3月 01, 2014

[Taipei 台北] 忠孝復興 Caldo Cafe 咖朵咖啡 舒芙蕾 抹茶熔岩蛋糕 Soufflé and Matcha Green Tea Molten Lava Cake

Classic Soufflé with Caramel sauce and Mango Sorbet

Caldo Cafe 咖朵咖啡
Address: 台北市大安區復興南路一段107巷5弄2號 (忠孝復興站)
Phone: (02) 2731 8023
Date: 2014/2/23 11:00 AM
Price: 680 NT + 10% = 748 NT 
Father and Son Bonding Time

Dad has been very busy lately so I thought I would take him to a restful environment for him to relax for a bit。Caldo Cafe came to mind, because of the big popularity online。Plus, several colleagues have gone and highly recommend their coffee,souffle and molten lava cake。Once dad informed me that he was coming to Taipei to visit me,I immediately made the reservation。This place will be packed in the afternoon,and there are no time restraints on weekdays,so make sure you make the reservation early,like a couple of days before。